An excellent article from My comments to the writer are below.
PLEASE PLEASE read what I am about to say. First of all, everything you have said I have been through or am going through constantly. There is far too much to say about it in a facebook post, but if you message me we can chat about it. This will not sum it up, but I do have this to say. First of all if you aren't going to read this, go buy Jed Mckenna's "Spiritual enlightenment trilogy". It will explain very well what you are going through and that it is natural.
I have long held the concept that everything is relative, and that there is no proof (truth), there is only perspective (personal truth). I think depression is simply awareness of a specific perspective, and that the pain involved with it is due (initially) to the unfamiliarity of the situation, and then the dissonance between what our ideals are and what the "Truth" is. Many people's initial reaction is even further depression because what they are seeing and coming to understand, also destroys the meaning in all the things they held so dear for so long. It is important to understand that discovering the things you discovering, does not invalidate the meaning and purpose you formerly held in them, UNLESS you allow it. What's really happening is that your perception is being expanded to include new information. It is natural to be afraid when you feel worthless and that it was and is all pointless. The problem is, most of us know the words "Worthless" and "pointless" as negatives, but think about it this way: In a universe of truly relative values, regardless of contextual worth, all things are ultimately worthless, or, unable to be accurately valued in an absolute way. And that is just fine. If you are the center or your universe because you are the one in context experiencing everything, it is up to you to choose your value system consciously, all the while knowing on a deeper level, that all the choices you've make still add up to the same unquantifiable sum. Try to get past the need for something to have a "point" beyond your personal context. If you cannot get over that need your mind will slip into a feedback loop furthering depression until that feedback loop is broken. This is what I call "Distraction" and it is the ONLY cure for awareness :)
Look back on your life and you will realize that the only times you have ever been happy where when you were distracted from the things that burden you. Don't judge yourself negatively for being distracted, distraction is an incredible tool in conjunction with the mindset of balance. Just because you felt happiness through distraction does not invalidate it in anyway. In fact, think of it this way, when you are depressed because you are focused on depressing "Truths" realize that you are simply distracted from the "illusions" that made you happy and are simply focusing on the "illusions" that make you sad. If it's all relative, all values are illusory. It's distraction either way, so if you are going to convince yourself that the happiness you felt while distracted was meaningless, it's only fair to view your sadness and depressive moments the same way.
An Endless bottom could very well be the truth, and I understand how you wonder why people aren't talking about those things instead of the bullshit they do talk about. This may sound ridiculous, but as a person who has been through this for 16 years now, I can tell you from my experience that once you become familiar with it on a certain level, you might find yourself feeling like that is bullshit as well. Not as in "not true" kinda bullshit, but as in its a worn out discussion for you. Anyways I better stop here. If you have any questions please contact me.
One thought I'd like to leave you with is this: If the truth is that none of this matters in the way you and I are constantly told it does, and it's all bullshit and we are all heading towards the same unknown... Perhaps it is only meaningless if you decide it to be. Perhaps you are now free from the bullshit to decide what parts of the bullshit will mean something to you, on your own, without being told what they should mean for you.
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