Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Portfolio's Day

Yep, it's March 17th.

Finally got the MT4 Robot today and now have a 12 pair portfolio loaded up. While I was watching both the TradeStation and MetaTrader platform simultaneously, the USD/JPY pair took a short trade and made a winner on both platforms. So that was nice to watch.

The new Robot is lacking some features that the TradeStation version had, but I suppose that's okay. The strange news is that the Robot isn't account locked at all... which means I can move it from account to account. For $3,000 that's a seriously great thing, because I wouldn't want to have to pay once more just to have it moved to another account. It's very trusting, and I hope no one abuses it by selling it to other people for personal gain. Here is a pic of both platforms. It's rather large.

Time to go for a ride before I potentially get my cast off tomorrow... If I go to a boot I don't know if I'll be able to go riding at all. I'll ask the Doc if I'm good enough to go riding. Sucks you need permission to do what you love... But, I am injured, it's a tiny bit different haha!

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