Today on twitter a trader I highly respect posted a now deleted comment "The greatest lie ever told is to buy weakness and sell strength. The data does not reflect this and those who say it are showing you they are a bad trader" (Something like that)
There was a comment on there from another guy that said "It should have said buy supported weakness and sell resisted strength"
The original poster said he disagreed and that "If you are buying support that you can see that is also a fallacy".
Then the other guy asked him what his honest opinion was about Tim Sykes, Steven Dux, and Tim Gritanni's success doing just that.
He responded saying that he thinks it's "luck and experience, though Dux and Gritanni seem more systematic about it."
He then basically said that you can be lucky for a long time. And here is the rest of the conversation I was able to track down. Ya know, I had a gut feeling this might get deleted haha, I should have saved the entire thing while I had a chance to!
Anyhow, I was really happy to see this guy putting in his own two cents, because I completely agree. I have so much more to say about this, but I can't get it out right now. Something I will come back to hopefully soon.
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