Saturday, April 7, 2018

How to be "Unfuckwithable"

As usual, I see most people as full of shit, and most of what they say then follows appropriately as shit. Not that they are shitty people, just that we spend far too much time not thinking, and just being spoon fed because we are in discomfort when we expend our own effort.

There is a post on twitter that means well no doubt, but my cynical and personal thoughts about realism color how I read things. Thusly, I read a post called "How to be unfuckwithable" and had some thoughts about it. I want to preface that this is merely my instinctual reaction, and I understand why the poster wrote it and why anyone would share it. As negative or pessimistic as my response to it may seem, I am trying only to be realistic.  I get that these are supposed to aggregate to "Unfuckwithable", but I just don't like them for the most part and think they are bullshit pleasantries that don't actually get you there.

1. Have written goals so you know what you want to accomplish and where you want to go. Ton's of people have written goals and are fuckwithable, while others have no written goals, and are at peace with the opinions of others. This has no correlation to the goal. 

2. Let your life be guided by internal principles not external circumstances. Your Internal principles can be fucked up, and likely are, simply based on the fact that the overwhelming majority of individuals are born into and groomed by patterns of thought, that are simply unchallenged and failing loops, perpetuated by the ignorant individuals before them. For this point to be beneficial, you would have to already have the proper internal principles, which, if you had them, would likely nullify your need to even be told this principle in the first place. 

3. Never take criticism from someone not doing better than you are. What the hell do they know? First of all, "Better than you" can be completely subjective depending on the matter. Furthermore, this lies in direct contrast to the idea of having an open mind, and that the correct message can come from a shitty messenger

4. Internet trolls are losers, always ignore them. Never waste any time or energy on someone that has already made up their mind. This is one in my personal life that I adhere to strongly, but consider: Are they trolling, or are they making a valid point that your're not open to hearing? There is always that possibility. For example, I called out a trading guru on YouTube because he is selling courses to people without showing his trades transparently, or offering a shred of data on the system, and he called me a troll. "Never waste time or energy on someone who has already made up their mind"?! Yes, this is a great theory, and likely a great practice to employ, but as devils advocate lets look at the other side. You can't derive whether they are blindly committed to another view point until you engage them! All average people are trying to do in life, is surround themselves with others that agree with them, or attempt to get them to agree.

5. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. Now this is a great one. Not only is it not true, because no one makes it entirely on their own in any endeavor, but, lets just say that the "One person you have to prove things to" (yourself) just so happens to be an insecure person that NEEDS others to approve of them before they approve of themselves? This statement is a paradox for most people. You can't just tell a desperate person who needs other people's approval "You only need to prove it to yourself"! That's like trying to have a job before you have a car, when you can't even get to an interview without having a car first!  

My point so far, is that THESE ARE NOT STEPS... these are not HOW -TO'S... They are evidences that will appear AFTER you already have that self reliance and are "Unfuckwithable". This is NOT  a road map, it is someone else's report after having ALREADY ARRIVED.

6. Be a life long student and don’t let your ego control your reactions when you have a lesson to learn. "If you are not "Unfuckwithable, how are you going to control your ego? Once again, a paradox.

7. Always become competent in something before you try to be confident. "Try" to be confident? How does that work? "Ok self, let me try to be confident..." This one blows my mind. Confidence is a state of mind that you either have or you don't, which comes from perspective, which can of course be highly flawed. It's like being hungry. you can act hungry, but you're not really hungry until you're hungry, you can't try to be hungry. You can only go through the process of being not hungry, until hunger arrives. I would love to hear this persons thoughtful explanation of how one tries to be confident. 

I'll stop being so technical for a second and approach the likely idea that the author may have simply meant "Feign" confidence, instead of "try to be". We can surely fake just about any state of mind for a period of time. The point of this matter in general though, seems to be about avoiding errors brought about by not having the authentic skill, while thinking or faking as if you do. I will give credit if that's the fact, because you are so fuckwithable, if you are just faking, but can't muster what the task requires. Once again though, this is not a step or how-to, but it's the most beneficial piece of advice so far, in relation to getting there.

8. Do not participate in toxic relationships with anyone. My instinctual response is this: it is unavoidable to a person who is not already "Unfuckwithable". They lack the experience to read others, and likely have  a toxic relationship with themselves that they need to escape, before they will ever climb out of the pattern of choosing toxic people to engage with. The bottom line of all of my thoughts, that I was hoping to wait until the end to summarize, is this:


That state, like all states that are acheivable within us, are passing and cyclical. Seriously. There isn't a person that has, or ever will exist that is Unfuckwithable sustainably. We all have identities with values that are tied to the energies of others, and if we don't, we're sociopaths.  Perhaps success (I hate that word) isn't being Unfuckwithable, but more like understanding that every thing a person can and will feel, exists and does not need to be avoided, but understooding those states helps the natural cycling of them.

9. Emotions are great servants but terrible masters. Yeah, now can you tell me how to be unfuckwithable? No. K thanks bye.

10. Let logic, reason, math, and science be your guide through life. P.S. Breathe air and eat food. Don't forget those on your path to unfuckwithableness.

11. Diversify your life between finances, health, peace, happiness, relationships, and career so no one area can ruin the rest of your life. Yeah, they won't totally ruin you, just fuck with you a little... except for that health part, that could totally fuck with you. But hey, diversify with religion: Extra lives!

12. Cut your losses fast but let your winners run. Unless you're investing with a full cash position in assets that have real value, that will never go to zero, and are trading at substantial discounts.

13. You don’t have to listen to financial advice from broke people. Jesse Livermore made millions and was broke several times. I would suck his dick for advice.

14. You don’t have to listen to relationship advice from people that are not in a good relationship. We often know just what we need to change, without having the fortitude to do it. It is also much easier to give objective advice when you are not personally involved in the situation, but have experienced it in the past. Don't ignore the message because the messenger is fucked up.

15. You don’t have to listen to nutrition advice from unhealthy people. See above explanation.

16. What people think about you is none of your business and they should keep it to themselves. Almost always to some extent, what people think of you can drastically effect your life. Hell, that's what racism is. They don't even have to know you to want to kill you. but even if they should keep it to themselves, free speech is a beautiful thing. 

17. You have nothing to prove to anyone if you have faith in yourself. I have faith that one day I will know how to try to be confident... Wait a minute bitch, didn't you just say in #5. that I have myself to prove shit to?!?! Ok seriously now, we've already covered this, and this is just padding from #5. Faith only gives you the motivation for action (or in some cases, inaction) faith is in YOUR head, not someone else's, that just may have their finger on the button.

18. Maintain multiple streams of income so no one source can control you. Once again, that's just an evidence, not a road map. It is a very powerful principle, but the point of this post was the "How-to-be" part. This is just another version of "Breathe air" 

19. Be more valuable to your employer than they are to you. A.K,A. Don't work for a large company in a position where you are expendable. A very good thing to consider and strive for, but, as long as you work for someone else, you are fuckwithable. Admittedly, less so the more important your position, but we're not discussing how to be "Mostly unfuckwithable".

20. Always remember you can fire your boss just like he can fire you. Actually no, you're boss can fire you without any reason, and you will have to explain to the next person why you quit... Unless of course you become self employed.

21. Always value your time correctly. And don't forget to breath-ah fuck it.

22. Have enough customers in your business so you can fire the bad customers. Now this one, I actually really like. 

23. Diversify your investment portfolio so no one position can hurt you. Another good one, assuming you have that kind of net worth and intelligence.

24. Stay out of debt to maintain your freedom of choices. My mother fucking mantra.

25. You always have a choice if you can accept the consequences. My second mantra! We're ending with a bang here! These are real, specific things that are self contained.

26. Don’t waste your life living it for someone else. Awww damn it, we were on a roll! This is a beautiful thought, but not very related to being "unfuckwithable". It's more along the lines of, as it says, not wasting your fucking time.

27. Stay close to people who care about you and have your back. Another great and logical duh, that amazingly so many people just can't accomplish. You know why? Because life, and their thoughts and emotions are constantly fucking with them. 

28. Some people will try to manipulate and control you for their own purposes, don’t let them. Air for sale! GET YOUR AIR!!!

29. Don’t listen to people that have no skin in the game of your life. You have to live with your choices so you get to make them. So because you have no skin in the game of my life, I shouldn't listen to this post. See how ridiculous this can be, yet we don't even examine the shit people say?

30. Life is too short for bullshit.  Unless bullshitting is how you manipulate others to better your life? I dunno, like nearly every business ever? All of marketing? 

The whole reason I can counter any of these points, is because truth is contextual. You gotta learn how to think for yourself. And, you gotta learn how to "learn to think for yourself".

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