Sunday, October 22, 2017

Ego is resistance, Surrender is Flow.

"Ego is resistance, surrender is flow".

Jed Mckenna succinctly stated that, and while it is easy to forget, today was a reminder for me. As I wrote the most recent blog post I was in a state of surrendering, and determining that I must find a way to adapt because I did not see things changing by force. Tonight I happened to have found out that one of our local drivers actually requested the graveyard shift, which would allow me to have a more preferable window of hours in theory, because I would not be getting home so early in the morning. We'll see how that goes. Pretty interesting though, as the confrontational, emotional reaction I staved off the other day (in regards to a phone call about all of this) would have been absolute ego, and absolute resistance... which in hindsight would have basically ensured the opposite effect I desired. I let go, and what I want seems to be flowing to me.

Like Jed said as well, to the uninitiated, it seems like magic.

It's been hard to flow lately, because I have been so sucked into the dream. And when you're sucked into a work of fiction, it grips you as if it is as real as anything can be.

On the trading front, today I took the time and spent hours going through Tim Sykes daily trading commentary and adding it to the charts with notes. The idea is not to just read what he is saying about his entries and exits, but to combine them with visuals and digest them on a much deeper level. To see the charts and moves he is seeing and imprint them as a second nature out of pure screen time.

As far as real money trading has gone, it's been very quiet for me. I have got plenty of accounts, so the Pattern Day Trader rule doesn't really need to effect me, but like I said in a previous post, I want to know the numbers or have a way to feel confident I am doing this correctly without wasting real money. So, as depressing and kinda time-wasting as if feels, I am paper trading again. Hopefully with a decent work schedule again I will be present for the market. The following charts are from the Think or Swim Platform offered by TD Ameritrade. We really like them a lot. You can click one button to enter and exit a trade, which is way better than Interactive Brokers, where you have to type in the Ticker, whether you want to buy or sell, then the quantity, then submit, and verify a freaking preview of the order.... ugh... Anyhow, we don't have any real money in the account yet, because there is a promotion going on where if  you deposit $3,000 you get 60 days of trading, up to 500 trades, commission free, so thats cool. So, we now have an Etrade account, an Interactive Brokers account, a Charles Schwab account and a TD Ameritrade account. Not to forget, also the Forex account at Oanda.

Here's what I got today for the examples of Tim's trading and market commentary. these are from Oct 13th - 18th. I still have some catching up to do.

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