Been watching Tim's Profitly page just soaking in the Ticker talk from comments. That led me to $FLDM and I took a some trades. Either way I should have found this because it is on Yahoo Finance. Here are some charts for the day.
Bought some angies list the other day
This one was looking like it's ready for a bounce and was cheap, but it didn't move after I got it so I cut it off.
In and out of this one a few times, increasing position size. probably slightly down at the end.
:) took a few losses, but ended up positive.
I wanted to end my day and not stick around. I figure this helps offset some losses from other trades.
Rob booker sold this stock and it's overall trend was down. The retrace back up into resistance would have been ideal but I wasn't watching it.
Sold out of this one as well. By the way, I totally hurt my back at the gym yesterday. It hurts like an annoying bitch down at the bottom. Rowing 180 lbs was not the greatest idea apparently. 140 wasn't too bad though... Enough was enough, now I'll be napping and taking it easy. Have a wonderful Weekend.
On a journey to increasingly trade less time for more money, watch me sink or swim! Receive emails of every new post by filling out the box below!
Friday, October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Not much to report today so far. Took a winner, still waiting on others. Very cold outside. I am excited for snow, yet well aware of the biting chill that will course through me as I take Juicy out for rides. She likes the cold for sure because she runs pretty hot. She is prepared for the high possibility of me dumping her on accident haha, we'll see.
Feeling much better today. Good thoughts all around. Scott Welsh is almost done with his new trading course and I will likely drop a large sum of money into a portfolio of successful consistently profitable robots. I am becoming much more at ease with the idea of just handing the majority of my trading over to a robot. They never miss a trade, they don't get emotional. My only job is to keep checking in to make sure it's running, and to not get emotional about drawdown myself. Anyways, here are my charts.
Sold some Kodak shares for $94 profit.
EURUSD came up to resistance and rolled over last night as I had mentioned it might.
More good news is that I went to the dentist yesterday and am finally getting around to getting my crown done soon. The implant is healed and I'm going in on Nov 4th to have it exposed and getting a mold of my mouth done. It will be very tight on timing as to whether or not I have it before I leave town December to go to Washington, Chicago and Michigan. If not I'll have that stupid flipper to take out when I eat... Never liked that part.
Feeling much better today. Good thoughts all around. Scott Welsh is almost done with his new trading course and I will likely drop a large sum of money into a portfolio of successful consistently profitable robots. I am becoming much more at ease with the idea of just handing the majority of my trading over to a robot. They never miss a trade, they don't get emotional. My only job is to keep checking in to make sure it's running, and to not get emotional about drawdown myself. Anyways, here are my charts.
Sold some Kodak shares for $94 profit.
EURUSD came up to resistance and rolled over last night as I had mentioned it might.
More good news is that I went to the dentist yesterday and am finally getting around to getting my crown done soon. The implant is healed and I'm going in on Nov 4th to have it exposed and getting a mold of my mouth done. It will be very tight on timing as to whether or not I have it before I leave town December to go to Washington, Chicago and Michigan. If not I'll have that stupid flipper to take out when I eat... Never liked that part.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Shitty dreams and a Trading Day
For the last few years I have regularly had strange and very negative dreams almost every night. As a younger person I would have called them nightmares, but somehow I am usually just able to live in the dream and be a part of it as if it were normal and not scary or anything, even though it feels 100% real.
Last night I had a significantly difficult dream. I dreamed that it was night out and I was in a strange country walking in the dark with a flashlight towards a gated off airstrip runway. As I approached the gate, several two headed animals approached me, like tigers and hyenas. Their heads weren't side by side like most two headed creatures, but rather stacked on top of each other. I was afraid of them, but they just approached and sniffed me and let me be. I entered the gate to see a few black men dressed in green military uniforms greeting me, as if we were acquainted already and I had been there several times. They opened a door and we began to walk into a tunnel. It was a cramped tunnel with no lights and a muddy dirt floor, as if it had been flooded or raining recently. I was very uneasy emotionally as I was walking down the corridor trying to avoid puddles that had formed in all the deep muddy footprints. As I reached the end of the Tunnel there was a little cupboard or closet type space and I opened the door to find two children inside wearing nothing but diapers. I realized that one of them was my son and he was blind. He was in the dark, and he went to lay back down after I opened the door and shined the light on him. He looked just as he did the last time I saw him, a little blonde-haired, blue-eye toddler.... I felt so bad to watch him lay his body down on the cold cement inside that little closet in the pure cold darkness.... He just laid back down as if that was all he wanted to do, as if it was all he ever did...
No one was there to take care of him. He was abandoned... I had with me a few small pillows and I spoke to him "This is how I like to sleep" and I showed him that I like to sleep with a pillow between my legs. He didn't respond and I had to once again realize he was blind, so I touched his body and positioned the pillow between his legs and put another one in front of him to hug... It was devastating. And then I woke up and wanted to cry. I've done some pretty horrible things in my life, and as much as I try to forgive myself for them and realize that I am human, I obviously have not forgiven myself.
There are few things that hurt worse than having a dream in which your son is blind and abandoned in a freezing cold concrete floored closet. Just watching his tiny bare chest touch the floor sent chills through my body and instantly reminded me of the time I was in jail. They keep it so cold there, and no one cares about you at all... period. They live a totally separate reality on the other side of that cell door. You may as well not even exist. And that's how I interpreted the cold silent moment with my son... I felt his helplessness... but what was even worse, I watched his innocence shroud him in not being able to understand anything about what was going on, and only knowing and accepting it as reality.
I feel torn up inside, even right now, imagining that situation and that I am the cause of it. If I had any sense at all, I would have picked him up and taken him out of there... but for some reason, as in all of these terrible dreams I just follow the script because that's what's laid before my eyes... I wish in that dream and all others like it that I wasn't just a human on rails following a locked in destiny of my morbid unforgiven mind. I should have been the hero that rescued that boy instead of assisting him in his imprisonment. I am so mad at myself, and I try to tell myself it was just a dream... this one hit so close to my heart. I shared so much love with that boy, and I went from being #1 in his life to not existing at all... I have my reasons, and they stand firm, but there is a price to pay for every choice made. My choice was to stay completely out of his life knowing he would be well taken care of, rather than being someone he loved so much that only had the opportunity to be in his life a few times a year, if that. I'd rather him forget about me completely. I'd rather have these horrible dreams, if I can wake up knowing it's just me guilt tripping myself and not him agonizing over me in real life. At this point I've been gone for over 5 years, and that is how long I've been beating myself up about a decision that was supposed to be best for him. No amount of money, or personal success will ever take the burden of that decision off my shoulders, as well as other decisions I've made in my life. I hate that these truth's attack when I am supposed to be resting. I need rest. My soul needs rest, and I don't know how to find it.
Skip a head several hours later and many attempts to sleep that were unsuccessful...
Here are some trades I am up in at the moment in the stock market and my trading EURUSD Rate decision trading day.
I would really love to have the balls to trade this awesome action, but I don't have those balls AND I have a dentist appointment for a crown consultation soon and I don't want to get stuck here at the computer.
No one was there to take care of him. He was abandoned... I had with me a few small pillows and I spoke to him "This is how I like to sleep" and I showed him that I like to sleep with a pillow between my legs. He didn't respond and I had to once again realize he was blind, so I touched his body and positioned the pillow between his legs and put another one in front of him to hug... It was devastating. And then I woke up and wanted to cry. I've done some pretty horrible things in my life, and as much as I try to forgive myself for them and realize that I am human, I obviously have not forgiven myself.
There are few things that hurt worse than having a dream in which your son is blind and abandoned in a freezing cold concrete floored closet. Just watching his tiny bare chest touch the floor sent chills through my body and instantly reminded me of the time I was in jail. They keep it so cold there, and no one cares about you at all... period. They live a totally separate reality on the other side of that cell door. You may as well not even exist. And that's how I interpreted the cold silent moment with my son... I felt his helplessness... but what was even worse, I watched his innocence shroud him in not being able to understand anything about what was going on, and only knowing and accepting it as reality.
I feel torn up inside, even right now, imagining that situation and that I am the cause of it. If I had any sense at all, I would have picked him up and taken him out of there... but for some reason, as in all of these terrible dreams I just follow the script because that's what's laid before my eyes... I wish in that dream and all others like it that I wasn't just a human on rails following a locked in destiny of my morbid unforgiven mind. I should have been the hero that rescued that boy instead of assisting him in his imprisonment. I am so mad at myself, and I try to tell myself it was just a dream... this one hit so close to my heart. I shared so much love with that boy, and I went from being #1 in his life to not existing at all... I have my reasons, and they stand firm, but there is a price to pay for every choice made. My choice was to stay completely out of his life knowing he would be well taken care of, rather than being someone he loved so much that only had the opportunity to be in his life a few times a year, if that. I'd rather him forget about me completely. I'd rather have these horrible dreams, if I can wake up knowing it's just me guilt tripping myself and not him agonizing over me in real life. At this point I've been gone for over 5 years, and that is how long I've been beating myself up about a decision that was supposed to be best for him. No amount of money, or personal success will ever take the burden of that decision off my shoulders, as well as other decisions I've made in my life. I hate that these truth's attack when I am supposed to be resting. I need rest. My soul needs rest, and I don't know how to find it.
Skip a head several hours later and many attempts to sleep that were unsuccessful...
Here are some trades I am up in at the moment in the stock market and my trading EURUSD Rate decision trading day.
I would really love to have the balls to trade this awesome action, but I don't have those balls AND I have a dentist appointment for a crown consultation soon and I don't want to get stuck here at the computer.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
If I had only flipped over my daily planner I would have noticed that today (Which happens to be my birthday) was also the EUR minimum bid rate...
Well, I missed the move entirely and it was GREAT action. A power blast straight down of 100 pips in 2 mins... I would have at least made some money on my bracket orders... Tried trading some of the after math and lost a little... Could have been up on the day instead if my positions had not been taken out for break even. But that's the way I do it...
I had a limit sell last night for $VRX but the market gapped down and I wasn't filled. woulda been nice.
My buy on $ERII last night was good and I sold for a nice gain this morning.
Also, my $HLX from yesterday was in profit this morning so I sold.
All in all a nice day so far... I am really bummed that I didn't remember to set my alarm for todays trade @5:45am... That would have been a money maker for sure, but that's trading. Another lesson learned. Next trade is on the 28th FED funds rate. It was a good mover last time, but that's probably because they changed the rate. Thats my last news trade this month to make some bank.
Oh and I forgot! I realized later on today when I check on the mouse trap robot, that it actually nailed the move in the EURUSD that I was asleep for haha, so awesome!
If I had only flipped over my daily planner I would have noticed that today (Which happens to be my birthday) was also the EUR minimum bid rate...
Well, I missed the move entirely and it was GREAT action. A power blast straight down of 100 pips in 2 mins... I would have at least made some money on my bracket orders... Tried trading some of the after math and lost a little... Could have been up on the day instead if my positions had not been taken out for break even. But that's the way I do it...
I had a limit sell last night for $VRX but the market gapped down and I wasn't filled. woulda been nice.
My buy on $ERII last night was good and I sold for a nice gain this morning.
Also, my $HLX from yesterday was in profit this morning so I sold.
All in all a nice day so far... I am really bummed that I didn't remember to set my alarm for todays trade @5:45am... That would have been a money maker for sure, but that's trading. Another lesson learned. Next trade is on the 28th FED funds rate. It was a good mover last time, but that's probably because they changed the rate. Thats my last news trade this month to make some bank.
Oh and I forgot! I realized later on today when I check on the mouse trap robot, that it actually nailed the move in the EURUSD that I was asleep for haha, so awesome!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Chart glitch today had me down $500 twice on WTW... bummer because I would have bough a nice bounce. I exploited the glitch to make $3000 after the losses haha, but it doesn't mean anything.
Today was the rate decision in the Canadian Dollar. here is a chart of my trading. I've lost a few % in the last week trading non-news and had I not done that, I'd be up over 5% right now, but lessons lessons...
Looking at the longer term chart which is not pictured here, I had a gut feeling of a breakout north. North was the initial direction, and price action was signaling a continuation. Higher lows, Higher Highs. Then as the market consolidated a little, the most recent highs become targets for profit, but not necessarily reversal. I wouldn't want to get caught shorting an established up move on such an event. It can always go farther than you think. I would have kept a tight stop, but I'd rather not risk the loss regardless.
HLX fell today after I tried to dip buy, so I put in a limit to add at support, but it didn't dip low enough to give me my average price. Missed out on that, but looking to hold this earnings winner for a few days to see what happens.
And finally a chart of OJ
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Possibly a new schedule...
I was thinking last night and decided that what might be good for me is to myself something constructive to do during the days I am not Forex trading my news events. I'd like to start watching the stock markets per Tim's regimen.
Looking at % gainers and trading the volatility.
Today so far I am looking at $WTW (Weight Watchers). Apparently Oprah has purchased some stock so that news is driving it higher. I took a small loss on a short and then reversed my position and took a small win. It's nothing to write home about, but if these stocks really do move and follow technicals, there's a chance they could be a good thing for me to trade. If I undertake this with a real account, the only drawback would be I need $25,000 or more to make it work. Perhaps I can borrow some money to bring me above the limit and see where it goes from there. Anyways, here's my update so far.
Watching HLX and ERII. In over night with 50 share position. Also, Oj has definitely broken out of the descending wedge. Hit 140's today. just a few cents shy of our 146 entries months ago. I just wanted to get out with a profit and that's what I did.
Looking at % gainers and trading the volatility.
Today so far I am looking at $WTW (Weight Watchers). Apparently Oprah has purchased some stock so that news is driving it higher. I took a small loss on a short and then reversed my position and took a small win. It's nothing to write home about, but if these stocks really do move and follow technicals, there's a chance they could be a good thing for me to trade. If I undertake this with a real account, the only drawback would be I need $25,000 or more to make it work. Perhaps I can borrow some money to bring me above the limit and see where it goes from there. Anyways, here's my update so far.
Watching HLX and ERII. In over night with 50 share position. Also, Oj has definitely broken out of the descending wedge. Hit 140's today. just a few cents shy of our 146 entries months ago. I just wanted to get out with a profit and that's what I did.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Fallout Xbox Complete and Trading Update
Finished the Xbox today and I love it!
Also, Friday I bought some HGSH just for the hell of it. I just looked at it again and It soared, so I put in a market sell order for Monday. Just pure luck, but funny.
Not much to post really. In terms of my real world trading, it's hit and miss. Mainly because I am not trading a tested theory. I have made money waiting every month for the Banking Rate trades, but this week I decided to just trade discretionary and I've lost a little each day. Still up about 2% but every time I come to the charts for non-news trading, I seem to walk away will less money in my account. The results show, and my emotions show, that I should just be patient and wait for my bread and butter days that happen a few days per month.
In reality, I really dislike watching the charts move so damn slowly. My analysis is generally right in direction, but my timing is off. And when I put some size on, in order to preserve capital I have to limit risk and take small losses quickly. That's what suits me best when trading a fast moving market during a rate decision, but any other time and I'm just watching paint dry, while losing money haha.
I am moving more and more into the feeling that I just want to be a guy who has robots trade for him completely. I am at the moment waiting for Scott Welsh to make some information available about his trading robots. It's going to cost me well over $2,000 but I don't know anyone else who has a portfolio of robots for sale. I'll keep you posted.
Until then, I'm just a house cleaning, youtube watching, dish washing, gym going loop.
P.S. Today I filmed a drug deal going on right in front of my apartment. Called the cops too... This makes the Third time in a week these guys have done the same shit.
Creepy Drug dealer
Also, Friday I bought some HGSH just for the hell of it. I just looked at it again and It soared, so I put in a market sell order for Monday. Just pure luck, but funny.
Not much to post really. In terms of my real world trading, it's hit and miss. Mainly because I am not trading a tested theory. I have made money waiting every month for the Banking Rate trades, but this week I decided to just trade discretionary and I've lost a little each day. Still up about 2% but every time I come to the charts for non-news trading, I seem to walk away will less money in my account. The results show, and my emotions show, that I should just be patient and wait for my bread and butter days that happen a few days per month.
In reality, I really dislike watching the charts move so damn slowly. My analysis is generally right in direction, but my timing is off. And when I put some size on, in order to preserve capital I have to limit risk and take small losses quickly. That's what suits me best when trading a fast moving market during a rate decision, but any other time and I'm just watching paint dry, while losing money haha.
I am moving more and more into the feeling that I just want to be a guy who has robots trade for him completely. I am at the moment waiting for Scott Welsh to make some information available about his trading robots. It's going to cost me well over $2,000 but I don't know anyone else who has a portfolio of robots for sale. I'll keep you posted.
Until then, I'm just a house cleaning, youtube watching, dish washing, gym going loop.
P.S. Today I filmed a drug deal going on right in front of my apartment. Called the cops too... This makes the Third time in a week these guys have done the same shit.
Creepy Drug dealer
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
OJ Update
After respecting the downtrend and bouncing off the trendline, OJ has held support and has been rallying with good energy. It is approaching again, and may turn around, but I am holding for a decent close above our average entry.
I also exited exit EVOK for about a $100 profit. I don't remember and there is no trade history on the platform. I'll keep track of those details from now on.
Also, for the XBOX project, my Nixie tubes arrived today. They look awesome, but I am still waiting on the power inverter to arrive so I can install and power them.
10-15-2015 Update
Exited all our OJ positions today. They are at resistance. If price plummets I'll re-enter.
I also exited exit EVOK for about a $100 profit. I don't remember and there is no trade history on the platform. I'll keep track of those details from now on.
Also, for the XBOX project, my Nixie tubes arrived today. They look awesome, but I am still waiting on the power inverter to arrive so I can install and power them.
10-15-2015 Update
Exited all our OJ positions today. They are at resistance. If price plummets I'll re-enter.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Fallout 4 Approaches
I've been slaving away for at at least 40 hours now working on this Custom Xbox. It's a special Gift so it's a secret for now.
I'm not done yet, as I'd like to add a Fallout Logo, a Metal Vault door and some awesome Nixie tubes inside for vault "77".
Here are some progress pics I took along the way.
I'm not done yet, as I'd like to add a Fallout Logo, a Metal Vault door and some awesome Nixie tubes inside for vault "77".
Here are some progress pics I took along the way.
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