Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Very busy

I have a very busy few days ahead of me, so I don't know how much I'll have the energy to post anything great, but I'll try.

Here is a chart, I decided to close the EUR/USD trades for a loss

Definitely been a long day and I have to go to bed soon, but I wanted to stop in and say hi before I went to sleep.

The robot has been in and out of trades today and the equity of that account was at a new high today. I am in what I would call a relatively good habit of taking a good profit when I see it rather than letting it turn against me for a loss, so sitting back and just watching the robot take trades is actually slightly difficult for me.

I have to keep reminding myself of the reasons I am allowing that to happen. Purely experimental so that when I get back I can look at all the market action that the robot traded through, and I can also post charts commenting on the steps that would be taken to adjust risk throughout that time.

In the meantime, if you are interested please check out the Traders Podcast. Rob Booker has quite a few Gems in the archive, especially his "Solocasts". I will surely talk about some, or reference some of my favorites in the future.

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Hoping to soon post more interesting things about whats happening in my trading! I'd love to explain the methods I am using and the mindset I have that allows me to feel confident with them. take care!


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