Sunday, November 23, 2014

Winter is coming..

Fuck it's already here!

I am exhausted today and really just want to relax, however I took some pictures today because I wanted to show you a time-line of my day. Wyoming I-80 down through Denver via I-25. Pardon me, as some of the shots are blurrier because I didn't have my auto focus on.

The robot has been restarted tonight and I will send you an update on it probably tomorrow. Last I looked it had entered a trade and was up about 3 bucks.


  1. That is some intense weather!

    1. Yeah, it really zaps the energy out of me. I really didn't even feel like taking the time to post tonight, but I have been consistently posting so far and I'd like to try and keep it up. I expect to capture several more semi wrecks before winter is out. Hopefully non of them involving me.

  2. I hope they don't involve you too! Be safe today...
