Saturday, March 19, 2016

i >= H

Value tends to be derived from the temporary nature of something. That's how we as humans do it very often, but it's all a matter of perception. And... I'm not prescribing that as right or wrong here.

It's been so easy for me to get upset at how easily something is destroyed over a matter of moments, when it can take years, a lifetime, or even several lifetimes to create. There's an inherent injustice in that to me. It feels like we're getting cheated out of something, that life has potential for nearly unlimited pain and destruction, but such a tiny cap on it's potential for joy and contentment. That is also just a perspective.

But today I really stuck for a moment on that obvious opening statement. It is the temporary that makes the good seem so damn good. When you find a great person that you really mesh with... it's because there aren't a lot of them out there. When you enjoy a meal so wonderful, because you haven't eaten in awhile, let alone had that taste in your mouth for some time.

Or sleep for example... I am awake right now because the shooting pain in my foot snatched me out of it.

But anyways, I don't think I've anything else to say. I'm just going to stew over that premise for a time.

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