Saturday, November 1, 2014


Is it funny that I took 20 seconds and wondered what the hell to title this post? I all too often get excited in concept far more than I am able to carry out in reality. This may prove to be so once again, but I will try anyways because the energy is within me at this moment.

Life is a complex journey for all and I have always been fascinated at the ways we all go through it. I've always been curious about so much. Always wondering how and why things work the way they do...

I've basically been on a repeating loop of asking why to everything that comes into my mind, and when that question is answered I question that answer as well.

So what am I doing here? I am here to express my thoughts about life, but I suppose more specifically my journey on the path of trading for a living.

Without being too windy about myself, I became interested in trading around the age of 15 and have felt ever since then it was what I was going to do for a living. I've had ups and downs, starts and stops, triumphs and defeats, but I have not given up on my ultimate desire to create my life from trading for a living.

At the moment I am 31 year old truck driver. I will be getting off the road soon and giving trading another go and I want to share that experience with you. Right now I live a life of solitude and that is pretty difficult for such an outgoing and open guy like myself to do. Hence the blog. I am fiddling with practice at trading at the moment, so I would like to post on that as a lead up to my actual segue into my real life trading.

I love documentaries about peoples endeavors regardless of whether they make it or not, so if for nothing else, if I am disciplined enough to actually post what is happening in my life I will have a record for myself to go back and look at. If you happen to gain anything out of this as well that would be wonderful. I've always wanted to know the stories of people intimately . The things they struggled with, the luck that played a part in their story and the thoughts that went on deep within them during that journey. This is my chance to share my own story.

So here is my intent: To over this period of time give you my story, take you along the path with me, and share what goes on within me and my philosophies and outcomes as often as I have the energy to share. I am a big fan of dialogue, as I believe that is basically what humans get fulfillment out of. Connection.

I've not done well in the past with trying to develop a structure in the ways I present myself to the world, so I do not want to obligate myself to a format that hasn't worked for me in the past. So although I will speak about my intents about content to share with you and although I already know the ways in which I should efficiently approach disclosing certain things, I'd like not to commit myself necessarily to any deadlines or schedules about how and when I manifest those things. I have always been a person that operates ferociously in spurts of passion, and for those who like regular predictable content, I apologize.

Trading, as much of an emphasis as it has been in my heart all these years, is not nor will be the entirety of my life. I have several interests that I want to share with you such as my love of video games, guitar, painting, philosophy, podcasts, humor, love, writing and my lifestyle in general.

So, I will end this for now and thank you for reading and checking if and when you do :) Feel free to leave comments or questions.


Upper Sandusky, OH

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