Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Martingale Update for Tuesday

Herro Preeze,

I realized there are 31 days in this month and actually calmed down a bit because that means I don't have to bust as much ass as I thought I did to get to my delivery. So, I had some time to log in to Metatrader and manually add things to the chart to help visually show you the trades that have taken place so far.

In the last update I mentioned that following the martingale risk profile would have actually made a 6.4% profit and ended up with the account balance being $11,432.00, so we will continue adding to our hypothetical numbers :)

If you look at the chart and the account history, you will see the accurate trade entries and exits and you will see in a note the adjusted amounts based on the Martingale risk implementation.

It's pretty easy to adjust because all I have to do is take the profit or loss that the robot had and multiply it by whatever size I would have been trading correctly.
Te results produced a $112.70 profit (+.98%) which would raise the total account to $11,544.70

Although I am sure some big losses will eventually take place, this is still rather entertaining data to acquire. Every single post or video I come across swears Martingale strategies are the worst idea ever. I tend to think that relying on any one thing ever is a terrible idea. I think it is dangerous to rely on any one person to heavily, or any one idea or rule. Life is in constant flux and the ability to adapt and be robust is where lasting success seems to lie the most. If anything this data will help me decide if I want to include Martingale risk management into my trading and when. Data is so damn important and I think far too few traders even think about it, but it should be the very basis for what we do. We should research our markets and develop business strategies based on the information we find.

Let's keep on keeping on and see how this pans out.


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